Silabus Bahasa Inggris Berkarakter SMP / MTS kelas 7, 8, 9

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Silabus Bahasa Inggris Berkarakter SMP / MTS kelas 7, 8, 9.


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jalan ini jalan panjang
ujungnya belum kelihatan
tapi awak yakin, jika kebenaran yang ditegakkan
endingnya adalah kedamaian di jannah Nya..

salah seorang shalih ditanya “Kapankah anda akan beristirahat?”
lalu dia menjawab “Saat kaki sudah menginjak surga”

Ya Allah,..
tetapkanlah istiqamah di dalam hati hamba,..
Tambahkanlah bagi hamba ilmu yang bermanfaat..


Awesome link for young learner.

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I was just so surprise getting this link



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  1. Defy : menantang
  2. Pillage : Penjarahan
  3. Suppression : penindasan
  4. Forbearance : kesabaran, penahanan amarah
  5. Expata : orang asing
  6. Assault : Penyerangan
  7. Outpourings : pencurahan, penumpahan


Graduate program; TESL, TESOL or TEFL?

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well, i am thinking about the graduate program that i’ll take after my graduation. In a country near by Indonesia, Malaysia there is a TESL post graduate program. Yet, to make correlation with what is needed in Indonesia, it is not correlate each other. In Indonesia is TEFL or TESOL but the degree that available in UKM is TESL. so, after i talk with my adviser in campus,he suggest me to take a graduate program that is relevant with what is needed in Indonesia.

Ok, let’s find it out!

my strategy to increase vocab

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one of my ways to increase my English is using word of the day.

i attach new vocab in special space on my wall. on strategic place which is easily be seen such near the mirror or in front of the desk.

the other ways is listen to nasheed. Sure there is new words right ? he he

the next one is by watching movie. Try to synchronize the subtitle with the   utterance of the actors. I got the “You are mama’s boy” and  “My bad” which in Bahasa are “Kamu anak mami” and “Itu salahku”

the answer of ‘Do you mind?’

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sometimes it pretty confusing for Indonesian to answer the quesition of ‘do you mind’.

let’s see how it works:

          “Do you mind closing the door?”

           “Yes, I mind” means you don’t want to close the door

          “No, i dont mind” means you want to close the door

Young Learners: material sites


i was googling for my YL assignments, then i founds this sites is use ful for

Siswa Kelas 4 SD for Listening

How to Jump Rope

How to drow a frogs

Nurul in Padang

on the middle of making my YL  assignment,
due to tomorrow 🙂

CCU How to compare culture: Squatting VS Sitting Toilet

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Western Culture


  • Sitting toilet
  • Toilet Tissue


  • Clean
  • It is dirty and disgusting if you wipe your anus with hand
  • it is clean if you wipe it with tissue


  • Toilet and tissue in houses, offices, and public places

Indonesian Culture


  • Squatting Toilet
  • water


  • Clean
  • it is  clean to wash your anus with water by using left hand
  • It is dirty and disgusting if you wipe your anus with tissue. The dirt is still there.


  • Toilet and tissue in houses, offices, and public places

Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris SMA semester 1

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Lesson Plan

1.General Information

  1. School             : SMA
  2. Semester          : 1
  3. Class/ year       : X
  4. Text type         : Procedure
  5. Time                : 2 x 45
  6. SK

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek esei sederhana berbentuk procedure dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari


Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure

Writing procedure


To introduce student to purpose of writing procedure text

To teach how to use the generic structure of procedure text

To teach the how to use language feature of procedure text

To teach student how to write procedure text

4. Indicator

The student are able to:

  1. To realize the social function of narrative text
  2. Able to make the Aim/goal
  3. Able to decide what tools to be used in the text
  4. Able to decide what material to be used in the text
  5. Able to make Steps/ precedure
  • Able to use imperative sentence
  1. Able to use sequence of event
  2. Able to make a draft and editing the draft of procedure text

5. Method

6.Learning Experiences

  1. 1.Activating student background knowledge about procedure through
  2. Asking how do they eat.  Tell that other people in other country eat by using a chopstic.
  3. Show a material of procedure: how to use chopstick
  4. Show the video about how to use chopsticks
  5. Follow the instruction in the video
  6. Asking student to practice in front of the class
  7. Asking question:
  8. What is this video about?
  9. What is do the person use eat?
  10. What is the steps?
  11. Do they use instruction?
  12. Write down the answer of the student on the board

Show a generic structure of procedure in power point and explain to them

  1. Have the student to make group of five
  2. Show the some cards that is procedure that is randomly arrage on the board
  3. Ask them to arrang eit
  4. Ask them to write down what will be written below that picture
  5. Show them how to make a procddure text video
  6. Ask the to work in pairs to make a draft of procedure taxt
  7. The topic are:
  8. How to make an instant noodle
  9. How to do top up
  10. How to use dictionary
  11. Provide the the difficult vocabulary
  12. Go around the class, guide them, answer their question
  13. Ask them to collect the task, chose one of the best, gives them stars and attach their work on the wall.
  14. Ask them to make their own procedure text
  15. Topic: my favourite dishes
  16. Collect it.
    1. Ask them to write down the word of the day and attach in on the wall
    2. Give them home work to make a procedure text, send it to my blog:

7. Material

Material: procedure text

How to use chopsticks

8. Media

chopsticks, noodle

Post it


  1. Write down a procedure text
    how to make a fried banana

10.Answer key

nb: this is my presentation on my Micro teaching class and not yet be corrected by the lecturer.

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